A Story About DemiVerse🪐

❓What is DemiVerse
The purpose of DemiVerse is to help 1/1 NFT artists. By cooperating with us and producing a series of Demi-10K PFP NFT, so that these outstanding artists have the opportunity to get more exposure internationally. This NFT series not only It’s a pure NFT work. Therefore cooperating with different artists in a series of works. We hope that in the future we can also plan an exclusive token for DemiVerse. In addition to expanding the scope of DemiVerse, we also hope to give back to the people or groups in need.

❓What is Demi-Human
Demi-Human as DemiVerse’s first NFT series, was a Taiwan X Thailand co-working project. Because it is the first series of works, we have very high requirements for the quality of each NFT. In addition to each PFP is a 1024px picture, the Demi-Human series also has up to 470 traits. Allowing more changes in this project, and the uniqueness of each PFP NFT will be more obvious.

Official Link🔗:
1️⃣Official Linktree🌲:https://linktr.ee/demiverse
3️⃣Official Website 🧟:https://www.demiversestudio.com/
5️⃣Official Demi-Knowledge User Guide📖:https://demiversestudio.notion.site/demiversestudio/Web3-0-Guide-for-Dummies-Web3-0-7bf60f3532a24a33aaa14f03b827932f
6️⃣Official Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DemihumanNft
7️⃣Official Twitter : https://twitter.com/DemihumanNft
8️⃣Official Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/demihumannft/
9️⃣Rarity Tool🏆:https://rarity.tools/demihuman